V-ALERT project aims to support the establishment of an Information Security culture in different ICT user target groups (pupils and teachers, ICT students, academics and enterprise employees) by providing awareness and training through an innovative and immersive e-learning tool. An online 3D virtual world learning environment (VWLE) will be developed which will simulate real-life Information Security threat scenarios, allowing users to gain first-hand experience of the different risks and threats, though in a safe manner. The VWLE of V-ALERT will also provide real time in-world assistance to the users through personalised recommendations coming from applying recommendation algorithms on the users’ profile data and their overall performance during the in-world learning activities. The underlying pedagogy of the V-ALERT approach is the “learning by doing” which can increase intrinsic motivation of learners and lead to deeper understanding and learning. (http://v-alert.eu/)
DigiSkills aims to bring together and further develop content, services, pedagogies and practices for lifelong learning in school/university/adult population, formulating specific scenarios of use of learning tools and platforms which will be tested with real users from eight countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK), and evaluated in terms of their impact, with a particular attention to institutional as well as pedagogical innovation and change.
This way, DigiSkills network aspires to address the necessity to develop an integrative approach in collecting and disseminating best practices that promote ICT enabled learning using innovative teaching and learning practices. To this end, a European network of all relevant actors (teachers and students in secondary education (SE), teachers and students in higher education (HE), parents, policy makers, adults returning to higher education, learners entering the workplace (AE) etc.) shall be formed and motivated through specific educational actions, contests, conferences and summer schools, to develop the competencies necessary in order to properly educate in digital competence and learning to learn skills and thus supporting the transition of Europe to a leading knowledge based economy12. Overall the project team that has a network of experts from the education, pedagogy and qualitative research fields aims to design and implement a methodological approach that will contribute to a systematic assessment of the impact of the ICT enabled learning both in terms of learning outcomes and learning activities and to the delivery of a series of recommendations for possible future actions.
DigiSkills aims to serve as an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already rich existing eLearning resources. First of all, it will demonstrate ways to involve SE, HE and AE communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources. It will promote community building between numerous educational institutions of Europe and empower them to use, share and exploit unique resources from a wealth of educational repositories, within meaningful educational activities. In addition, it will demonstrate the potential of eLearning resources to meet the educational and quality needs of these communities, supported by DigiSkills Inventory a social platform where teachers, students, parents and other community members will be able to discover, acquire, discuss and adapt eLearning resources on their topics of interest and also use e-assessment tools. (http://www.digiskills-project.eu/)
Its basic aims can be summarized in the following:
The project was launched on August 19th, 2013 and will be completed within 18 months, by February 18th, 2015. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF) and reform of the Croatian higher education by developing new qualifications standards and study programmes in ICT and Physics, in order to facilitate development of new jobs and flexibility of work force.
Specific objectives are to develop 6 qualifications standards and study programmes, which include development of learning outcomes and assessment criteria and procedures, and to introduce Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as an integral part of the CROQF.
The first part of the project is dedicated to the development of RPL procedures, looking into stakeholders’ attitudes towards validating non-formal and informal learning and best European and global practices, supported by a study visit and resulting in a comprehensive publication.
The second part of the project aims to implement the developed procedures in the field of physics and ICT by developing qualification standards in cooperation with stakeholders and awarding the developed qualifications to qualified applicants within a pilot RPL program.
Total eligible costs of the project amount to 536.497,20 euro, with the European Union co-financing 73,72% of the amount or 395.505,74 euro, within the IPA grant call Further Development of the Croatian Qualifications Framework, implemented by the Department for Financing and Contracting at the Agency for Vocational Education and Training.