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====== “Unsolved problems” in physics? ====== [[|Slobodan Danko Bosanac]] \\ <fs 75%>//Institute Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb//</fs> <blockquote>**Abstract** One thinks that all problems in physics are solved, except that there is only the one of “Grand Unification”. First, there are problems that are not truly solvable, but there are also those that are not so but only superficially. The latter are so because of not properly defined initial conditions, but not the improper use of dynamics equations. In the talk few examples of these “unsolved problems” shall be discussed, with the question in the end “Are we at the end of physics?”. </blockquote> ---- {{amazon>en:9812563962 noprice =0}} {{amazon>en:0849368715 noprice =0}}