Some analogies between quantum mechanics and descriptions of consciousness


Andrej Ule
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

I present some structural analogies between quantum mechanics and experiential (phenomenal) consciousness. I see the fundamental analogy between them in the fact that both can be described as the fields of potentiality for actualizing some possibilities of physical or mental occurrences. Human experiential consciousness can be thus taken as a quantum-like field of mental potentiality of an individual which under the impact of the individual’s attendance constantly “jumps” into its actual experiences. Human experiential consciousness indicates some important quantum-like traits but it does not indicate some real quantum traits. I assume the very taking the individual experiential perspective in humans stays outside the quantum-like system of their experiential potentialities. In humans we have further to consider their knowledge of their individual and generic presence in the world and the realm(s) of generalized meaning/senses (‘objective spirit’) which give(s) recognizable meaning to actual human experiences. They too remain non-similar to quantum world.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Andrej Ule

Andrej Ule, slovenski filozof in logik, * 27. april 1946, Ljubljana. Andrej Ule je slovenski filozof, ki deluje na področjih logike, spoznavne teorije, filozofije jezika in primerjalne filozofije. Do leta 2015 je bil redni profesor za logiko in teorijo znanosti na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Svoja odkritja in spoznanja je ubesedil v najrazličnejših knjigah in člankih.