Index keywords

Indicate, on average, one or two keywords per manuscript page to be included in the index.

  • Information should be listed under the term that most readers will probably look at first. Use cross-references to list variations or written-out versions and abbreviations/ acronyms.
  • Use no more than two levels – main entry and subentry.
  • A main entry should always be a noun (or compound noun) and begin with a capital letter.
  • Subentries begin with lowercase letters unless the term is a proper noun.
  • Index entries are formatted as in the text (e.g., italics for genus and species names).
  • Abbreviations at the beginning of a term must be written out. For example, A. fumigatus should be Aspergillus fumigatus.

LaTeX users

Please make sure that your entries for the book’s general subject index are coded with the command \index{} and please check the output for any redundancy before submitting your manuscript files.

  • Plain entry Typing \index{beer} will create an entry for ‘beer’ with the current page number.
  • Subindex entry For an entry with a subentry use an exclamation mark to separate them: \index{beer!lite}.


  1. In order to check the index entries that will refer to your chapter follow the following procedure: put '\printindex' (without quotes) in the line preceeding '\end{document}; put the file into the folder where your file is located; issue the command 'make index'; compile your document; look for the results.

Word users

Please indicate the keywords to be included in the subject index at the beginning of your paper and mark the occurences to be included in the index in the folowwing way:

  • Plain entry Typing \index{beer} will create an entry for ‘beer’ with the current page number.
  • Subindex entry For an entry with a subentry use an exclamation mark to separate them: \index{beer!lite}.