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~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP center round box> ====== $\frac{\Phi\land \Phi}{2016}$====== <menu col=2,align=left> <item>The Fifth PHYSICS & PHILOSOPHY Conference: "Basic Concepts of Physics" | --- $\cdot$ Celebrating one hundred years of the theory of relativity:: University of Split - Croatia :: 7--8 July 2016||:2016:kg_ae.png?200</item> </menu> ===== Organizers ===== {{fa>institution?color=#336699}} Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split $\cdot$ {{fa>institution?color=#336699}} Faculty of Science, University of Split $\cdot$ {{fa>institution?color=#336699}} Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split $\cdot$ {{fa>institution?color=#336699}} Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb. ==== Committee ==== Gabriela Bašić, Luka Boršić, Ljudevit Hanžek, Dragan Poljak, **Franjo Sokolić (chair)**, Ivana Skuhala Karasman, [[|Berislav Žarnić]] </WRAP>