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~~NOTOC~~ <WRAP center round box> ====== $\frac{\Phi\land \Phi}{2016}$====== <menu col=2,align=left> <item>The Fifth PHYSICS & PHILOSOPHY Conference|"Basic Concepts of Physics" --- University of Split - Croatia :: 7--8 July 2016||:2016:kg_ae3.png?400</item> </menu> <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> <callout type="primary" title="Organizers "> Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Split \\ Faculty of Science. University of Split \\ Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. University of Split \\ Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, a public research institute of the Republic of Croatia </callout> </WRAP> <WRAP half column> <callout title="Committee "> Gabriela Bašić \\ Luka Boršić \\ Ljudevit Hanžek \\ Dragan Poljak \\ Ivana Skuhala Karasman \\ Franjo Sokolić <badge>(chair)</badge> \\ Berislav Žarnić </callout> </WRAP> </WRAP> </WRAP>