Universal properties of cold atomic Bose and Fermi systems (UniCold)

    The overall objective of the research is to contribute to understanding of universal properties of few and many body systems by developing and applying Quantum Monte Carlo simulations to systems of cold Bose and Fermi atoms. Specifically we are interested in establishing the range of universality of quantum halo states with special emphasis on molecular systems. Furthermore, we are exploring how confinement and disorder change universal properties of trapped Bose and Fermi systems. Finally, we want to develop continuum quantum Monte Carlo simulations for systems with spin-orbit coupling and to apply them to model systems in search of universal properties.
    The research is since june 2015 funded by the Croatian Science Foundation project 'Universal properties of cold atomic Bose and Fermi systems - UniCold'.
    More information on the project web site projekti.pmfst.unist.hr/unicold

    Recent publications:
  1. V. Cikojević, K. Dželalija, P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Ultradilute quantum liquid drops, Phys. Rev. B 97, 140502(R) (2018).
  2. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, Structure of Helium-Alkali Pentamers, Few-Body Systems 45, 59 (2018).
  3. L. Vranješ Markić, H. Vrcan, Z. Zuhrianda, H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation, and structure in one-dimensional Luttinger liquids, Phys. Rev. B 97, 014513 (2018).
  4. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, Structure of Halo and Quasi-halo Helium-Helium-Alkali Trimers, Few-Body Systems, 58, 123 (2017).
  5. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, Quantum Halo States in Helium Tetramers, J. Phys. Chem. A, 121, 308 (2017).
  6. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, D. Zarić and J. Boronat, Ground-state properties of weakly bound helium-alkali trimers, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 014305 (2017).
  7. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and Jordi Boronat, Elusive structure of helium trimers, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 185101 (2016).
  8. A. J. Vidal, G. E. Astrakharchik, L .Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, One dimensional 1H, 2H and 3H, New J. Phys. 18 055013 (2016).
  9. P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, I. Bešlić, J. Boronat, Universality in molecular halo clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 253401 (2014).
Superfluid helium in nanopores

    Liquid 4He adsorbed in nanopores represents a dense Bose liquid at reduced dimension and in disorder. The goal is to determine the effective dimensions for the superfluidity and Bose-Einsterin condensation of the liquid in the pores, which might be relevant for other bosonic disordered systems.

    Our recent path integral Monte Carlo simulations have shown dimensional crossover depending on the radius of the pore. For the narrowest pores, when helium is confined to one line of atomic dimensions, one dimensional Luttinger liquid behaviour was observed. Increasing the diameter, there is a range where helium forms cylindrical layers. Using Kosterlitz-Thouless theory we predicted two-dimensional scaling of superfluidity and one-body density matrix. Finally, our results indicated a crossover to a three dimensional superfluidity for diameters greater than 32 A.

    Recent publication:
  1. L. Vranješ Markić, H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, BEC, and dimensions of liquid 4He in nanopores, Phys. Rev. B 92, 064510 (2015).
Adsorption on substrates

    Our most recent work has focused on adsorption properties of helium clusters on one and both sides of the graphene sheet. We have estimated the effects of the various interaction models on the ground stated properties of the clusters and determined crossover from liquid-like to solid-like structure of the clusters.

    Recent publications:
  1. L. Vranješ Markić, P. Stipanović, I. Bešlić, R. E. Zillich, Solidification of 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene, Physical Review B, 94 045428 (2016).
  2. L. Vranješ Markić, P. Stipanović, I. Bešlić, R. Zillich, 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 125416 (2013).
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