V. Cikojević, K. Dželalija, P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Ultradilute quantum liquid drops, Phys. Rev. B 97, 140502(R) (2018).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, Structure of Helium-Alkali Pentamers, Few-Body Systems 45, 59 (2018).
L. Vranješ Markić, H. Vrcan, Z. Zuhrianda, H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation, and structure in one-dimensional Luttinger liquids, Phys. Rev. B 97, 014513 (2018).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, Structure of Halo and Quasi-halo Helium-Helium-Alkali Trimers, Few-body systems, 58, 123 (2017).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, Quantum Halo States in Helium Tetramers, J. Phys. Chem. A, 121, 308 (2017).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, D. Zarić and J. Boronat, Ground-state properties of weakly bound helium-alkali trimers, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 014305 (2017).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić and Jordi Boronat, Elusive structure of helium trimers, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 185101 (2016).
L. Vranješ Markić, P. Stipanović, I. Bešlić, R. E. Zillich, Solidification of 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene, Physical Review B, 94 045428 (2016).
A. J. Vidal, G. E. Astrakharchik, L .Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, One dimensional 1H, 2H and 3H, New J. Phys. 18 055013 (2016).
L. Vranješ Markić, H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, BEC, and dimensions of liquid 4He in nanopores, Phys. Rev. B 92, 064510 (2015).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, I. Bešlić, J. Boronat, Universality in molecular halo clusters, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 253401 (2014).
J. Marin, L.Vranješ Markić and J. Boronat, Spin-polarized hydrogen adsorbed on the surface of superfluid 4He, Journal of Chemical Physics, 139 224708 (2013).
L. Vranješ Markić, P. Stipanović, I. Bešlić, R. Zillich, 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 125416 (2013).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Spin-polarized hydrogen and its isotopes: a rich class of quantum phases, Low Temp. Phys., 39 1104 (2013).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Casulleras, J. Boronat, Quantum Monte Carlo study of spin-polarized deuterium, Phys. Rev. B, 88 024507 (2013).
L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Two-dimensional spin-polarized hydrogen at zero temperature, J. Low Temp. Phys. 171 685 (2013).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Casulleras, J. Boronat, Influence of the interaction potential on the D¯ equation of state, J. Low Temp. Phys. 171 436 (2013).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, I. Bešlić, T. Martinić, Adsorption of 4HeN and 4HeN3He Clusters on Cesium, J. Low Temp. Phys., 166, 68 (2012).
P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, B. Kežić, Ground state of small mixed helium and spin-polarized tritium clusters: A quantum Monte Carlo study, J. Chem. Phys., 134, 054509 (2011).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Quantum Monte Carlo study of large spin-polarized tritium clusters, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 244506 (2009).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of spin-polarized tritium, Phys. Rev. B 80, 134506 (2009).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Stability limits of mixed spin-polarized tritium clusters, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 150, 032010 (2009).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Quantum Monte Carlo study of small pure and mixed spin-polarized tritium clusters, Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 064302 (2008).
L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, and J. Casulleras, Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of spin-polarized H, Phys. Rev. B 75, 064506 (2007).
L.Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, J. Casulleras, C. Cazorla Quantum Monte Carlo study of overpressurised liquid 4He at zero temperature, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B 20, 5154 (2006).
I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, S. Kilić, Diffusion Monte Carlo study of the small mixed 3He-4He clusters, J. Low Temp. Phys. 143, 257 (2006).
L.Vranješ, J. Boronat, J. Casulleras, C. Cazorla, Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of overpressurized liquid 4He , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 145302 (2005).
L. Vranješ, J. Boronat, J. Casulleras, Equation of state of Overpressurized Liquid 4He at Zero Temperature, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 138, 43 (2005).
M. Aichinger, S. Kilić, E. Krotscheck, L. Vranješ, He atoms in carbon nanotubes and nanotube bundles, Phys. Rev. B 70, 155412 (2004).
L.Vranješ, Ž. Antunović and S. Kilić, Helium Dimers and Trimers Within Carbon Nanotubes, Physica B 349, 408 (2004).
S. Kilić, and L. Vranješ, 3He, 4He and Mixed Helium Molecules in Two Dimensions, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 134, 713 (2004).
L. Vranješ, S. Kilić, and E. Krotscheck, He Atoms Adsorbed in Carbon Nanotubes and Nanotube bundles, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 134, 73 (2004).
L.Vranješ, Ž. Antunović and S. Kilić, Helium Molecules Within Carbon Nanotubes, Physica B, 329-333, 276 (2003).
S. Kilić, and L. Vranješ, Few Helium Atoms in Quasi-Two Dimensional Space, Physica B, 329-333, 270 (2003).
L.Vranješ, S. Kilić, Helium Trimers and Tetramers in Two- and Quasi Two-Dimensions, Phys. Rev. A. 65, 042506 (2002).
J. Brana, S. Kilić, L. Vranješ, Helium 4 Dimer in Two Coaxial Adjacent Nanotubes, J. Low Temp. Physics 126, 265 (2002).
L. Vranješ, Ž. Antunović and S. Kilić, Helium 4 Dimer in Nanotubes, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 41, 1028 (2001).
L.Vranješ and S. Kilić, Variational study of fermionic helium dimer and trimer in two dimensions, Croatica Chemica Acta 73, 1087 (2000).
L.Vranješ and S. Kilić, 3He dimer and trimer in two dimensions, J. Low Temp. Physics 121, 471 (2000).
S. Kilić, and L. Vranješ, Some relations for the ground state energy and helium diatomic molecules, Croatica Chemica Acta 73, 517 (2000).
S. Kilić, E. Krotscheck, and L. Vranješ, Binding of two helium atoms in confined geometries. II Dimerization on flat attractive substrates, J. Low Temp. Physics 119, 715 (2000).
Invited talks:
XVIII International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories., Niagara Falls, USA 2015, L. Vranješ Markić, „Universality in molecular halo clusters“
Workshop Phase Transitions in Reduced Dimension, Buffalo, USA, 2014., L. Vranješ Markić „Superfluidity and BEC in Nanoporous Media“.
Future prospects in Many-Particle Theory, Linz, Austria, 2012., L. Vranješ Markić „4He clusters adsorbed on graphene“.
Adsorption at the Nanoscale: A New Frontier in Fundamental Science and Applications, Columbia, MO, USA, 2011: L. Vranješ Markić; I. Bešlić; P. Stipanović; R. Zillich, „Adsorption of helium clusters on graphene“
QFS2010: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids; Grenoble, France, 2010.: L. Vranješ Markić, „Ground-state of spin-polarized hydrogen and its isotopes: from bulk properties to small clusters“.
QMBT13: 13th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005.: L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, J. Cassuleras, C. Cazorla. Quantum Monte Carlo study of overpressurised liquid 4He at zero temperature
Other talks:
Seminar at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, may 2017 "Superfluidity of helium in narrow nanopores"
Seminar at the University of Delaware, Newark, february 2017. "Universal properties of cold atomic systems"
9th scientific meeting of the Croatian Physical Society, Umag 2015. „Suprafluidnost, kondenzacija i dimenzionalnost He-4 u nanoporama“
Seminar at Max Planck Insitut für Intelligente Systeme, 2011.: L. Vranješ Markić, „Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of 4He adsorption on graphene“
6th scientific meeting of the Croatian Physical Society, 2009
L. Vranješ Markić, Kvantne Monte Carlo simulacije spin polariziranog vodika i tricija
High-order actions and their applications in many-body, few-body, classical
problems, 2009., Barcelona, Spain, L. Vranješ Markić, “Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of spin-polarized tritium”
The Eighteenth International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among
Mathematics, Chemistry & Computer Sciences, 2003, Dubrovnik,
L. Vranješ, S. Kilić i Ž. Antunović, “Helium molecules in 3D”
Seminar nat the Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz „Monte Carlo investigation of helium-3 trimer and tetramer“,
Nano-mreža: I znanstveno-stručni skup, 2002. Zagreb, Atomi i molekule u reduciranim prostorima
The 15th International Conference on the Interfaces between Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences, 2000, Dubrovnik, (S.Kilić, E. Krotscheck and L. Vranješ, Helium Dimers and Trimers in Confined Geometry)
International meetings:
The 19th International Conference on
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Pohang, Korea, 2017. 2 posters V. Cikojević, K. Dželalija, P. Stipanović, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Ground-state properties of dilute Bose-Bose droplets; L. Vranješ Markić, H. Vrcan, Z. Zuhrianda, H. R. Glyde, Helium 4 in narrow nanopores and the crossover from Luttinger liquids to 2D
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016. 2 posters L. Vranjes Markić, P. Stipanović, J. Boronat, Ground state properties of quantum halo trimers and tetramers; L. Vranjes Markić, H. R. Glyde, 4He confined in narrow nanopores
Workshop on Topological effects and synthetic gauge/magnetic fields for atoms and photons, Zagreb, 2015. 1 poster, Stipanović, Petar; Vranješ Markić, Leandra; Bešlić, Ivana; Boronat, Jordi, Universality in molecular halo clusters
XVIII International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories., Niagara Falls, USA, 2015. 1 poster, L.Vranješ Markić and H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, BEC and dimensions of liquid 4He in nanopores
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Niagara Falls, USA, 2015. 2 postera (Vranješ Markić, Leandra; Stipanović, Petar; Bešlić, Ivana; Zillich, Robert E., Solidification of 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene; Stipanović, Petar; Vranješ Markić, Leandra; Bešlić, Ivana; Boronat, Jordi, Universality in molecular halo clusters; L.Vranješ Markić and H. R. Glyde, Superfluidity, BEC and dimensions of liquid 4He in nanopores
Workshop on Probing and Understanding Exotic Superconductors and
Superfluids, ICTP, Trst, 2014., poster, L. Vranješ Markić i Henry R. Glyde,
„Superfuidity and BEC in nanoporous media“
International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2012, u Lancasteru, 2 postera: Vranješ Markić, Leandra; Bešlić, Ivana; Stipanović, Petar; Zillich,
Robert E., „Liquid and solid 4He clusters adsorbed on graphene“ i Vranješ
Markić, Leandra; Boronat, Jordi; Marin, JM.: „Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
of spin-polarized hydrogen in 2D and on the surface of liquid helium“
The 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26),
Peking, poster: Stipanovic, Petar; Vranjes Markic, Leandra; Beslic, Ivana;
Martinic, Tea, „Adsorption of 4HeN and 4HeN3He clusters on cesium“ i
Vranjes Markic, Leandra; Beslic, Ivana; Stipanovic, Petar; Zillich, Robert
„4He clusters adsorbed on graphene“
QFS2010 : International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, poster
Stipanović, Petar; Vranješ Markić, Leandra; Boronat, Jordi.
Ground-state properties of small mixed helium and spin-polarized tritium clusters
The 25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 2008, Amsterdam, Netherland, poster: I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić,
J. Boronat, „Stability limits of mixed spin-polarised tritium clusters”
14th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, poster, Ivana Bešlić, Leandra Vranješ
Markić, Jordi Boronat, “Study of small spin-polarized pure and mixed tritium
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, 2004, Trento, Italy, 2 posters, L. Vranješ, M. Aichinger, S. Kilić, E. Krotscheck, „He
atoms in carbon nanotubes and nanotube bundles“; L. Vranješ, J. Boronat, J.
Casulleras, „Equations of state of overpressurized liquid 4He at zero
The 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, 2002 International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan, 2 posters (L. Vranješ, Ž. Antunović, S. Kilić, Helium Molecules within Carbon Nanotubes; S. Kilić, L. Vranješ, Few Helium Atoms in Quasi Two-Dimensional Space )
Euro Winter School, Quantum Simulations of Complex Many-Body Systems: From Theory to Algorithms, 2002 Rolduc Conference Center, Kerkgrade, Netherland, poster (L. Vranješ, S. Kilić, Helium Molecules in Two and Quasi-Two Dimensions)
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, 200, Konstanz, Germany, poster (J. Brana, S. Kilić, L. Vranješ, Helium Dimers in Two Coaxial Adjacent Nanotubes)
The 14th International Conference on Interfaces between Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences, 1999, Dubrovnik, poster, (S. Kilić, L. Vranješ, “Some relations for the ground state energy and helium diatomic molecules")
Domestic meetings
Deseti znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2017.
1 poster , Leandra Vranješ Markic, Hrvoje
Vrcan, Zuhrianda Zuhrianda,Henry
R. Glyde, 4He u uskim nanoporama
Sedmi znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2011.
2 postera, Petar Stipanović, Leandra Vranješ Markić, Ivana Bešlić, Tea
Martinić, Adsorpcija klastera 4HeN i 4HeN3He na površini cezija i L.
Vranješ Markić, I. Bešlić, P. Stipanović, R. E. Zillich, Osnovno stanje klastera
4He adsorbiranih na grafenu
Šesti znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2009., 2 postera, P. Stipanović, B. Kežić, L.Vranješ Markić, Mali miješani klasteri
helija i spin-polariziranog tricija; P. Stipanović, T. Martinić, L. Vranješ
Markić, Klasteri helija adsorbirani na površini cezija
Peti znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2007.,
Primošten, poster, I. Bešlić, L. Vranješ Markić, J. Boronat, Mali čisti i
miješani klasteri spin-polariziranog tricija.
Četvrti znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2003., 2 postera, M. Aichinger, Ž. Antunović, S. Kilić, E. Krotscheck, L.
Vranješ, “Atomi i molekule helija u snopovima ugljikovih nanocjevčica; L.
Vranješ, Ž. Antunović, S. Kilić, Mali skupovi helijevih atoma u beskonačnom
dvo- i tro-dimenzionalnom prostoru.
Treći znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 2001. Zagreb, poster (L. Vranješ, Ž. Antunović, J. Brana, S. Kilić, Dimer helija 4 u nanocječicama)
Drugi znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, 1999. u Zagrebu, poster (S. Kilić, L. Vranješ, E. Krotscheck, R. Zillich, Molekule helija u neograničenom i ograničenom prostoru)