Ani Grubišić, PhD


Vištica, M., Grubišić, A., Žitko, B. (2016) „Applying graph sampling methods on student model initialization in intelligent tutoring systems“, International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 33(4), pp. 202-218

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B., Tomaš, S., Brajković, E., Volarić, T. Vasić, D. Šarić, I. (2016) „Empirical evaluation of intelligent tutoring systems with ontological domain knowledge representation: A case study with online courses in higher education“, poster presented at the 13th International Conference on Intelligent tutoring Systems - Adaptive Learning in Real World Contexts, Zagreb, Croatia, 7-10 June, 2016


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2015) „Adaptive Courseware: A Literature Review“, Journal of universal computer science, 21(9), pp. 1168-1209


Kokan, N., Tomić, J., Grubišić, A. (2014) „Using the Moodle System in Teaching the Croatian Language“, Školski Vjesnik - časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, 63(3), pp. 367-379 (in Croatian)

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2014) „Adaptive courseware model for intelligent e-learning systems“, ICCEET2014:2nd International Conference on Computing, E-Learning and Emerging Technologies, Paris, France, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 16(1), pp. 74-81


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2013) „Stereotype Student Model for an Adaptive e-Learning System“, ICIIS 2013: International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Venice, Italy, Special Journal Issue on Advances in Information and Intelligent Systems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (issue 76), pp. 20-27, E-ISSN : 2010-3778

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Peraić, I. (2013) „Ontology based approach to Bayesian student model design“, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), pp. 5363–5371, ISSN 0957-4174, (


Tomaš, S., Stankov, S. Grubišić, A. (2010) „Evaluating the effectiveness of using Moodle in learning and teaching in primary school education“, International scientific conference Digital technologies and forms of learning, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, ISBN: 978-953-7395-35-3 (in Croatian)

Grubišic, A. (2010). „A Meta-Analytic Estimation of a Common Effect Size from a Series of Experiments Related To an E-Learning System Effectiveness Evaluation“, In Stankov, S., Glavinic, V., Rosic, M. (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems in E-Learning Environments: Design, Implementation and Evaluation. (pp. 327-341). doi:10.4018/978-1-61692-008-1.ch016


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Rosić, M., Žitko, B. (2009) "Controlled experiment replication in evaluation of e-learning system’s educational influence", Computers & Education 53(3), pp. 591-602

Žitko, B., Stankov, S., Rosić, M., Grubišić, A. (2009) "Dynamic test generation over ontology-based knowledge representation in authoring shell“, Expert Systems with Applications 36(4), pp. 8185-8196

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Glavinić, V. (2009) „Agent based intelligent courseware generation in e-learning systems“, Proceedings of the 12th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, pp. 57-65


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Hrepic, Z. (2008). „Comparing the Effectiveness of Learning Content Management Systems to Intelligent Tutoring Systems“, Proceedings of the IASK International Conference E-Activity and Learning Technologies & InterTIC, Madrid, Spain, pp. 93-100

Stankov, S., Rosić, M., Žitko, B., Grubišić, A. (2008). „Upotreba modela tutor expert system za oblıkovanje ıntelıgentnıh tutorskıh sustava“, 2nd Scientific research symposium: Pedagogy and the Knowledge Society, Zadar, Hrvatska (in Croatian)

Stankov, S., Rosić, M., Žitko, B., Grubišić, A. (2008). "TEx-Sys model for building intelligent tutoring systems“, Computers & Education 51(3), pp. 1017-1036 (doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2007.10.002)

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2008). “Experiment Replication and Meta-analysis in Evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring System's Effectiveness”, in International Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 7, Issue 1, January 2008, ISSN: 1109-2750, pp.304-315.


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2007). “Experiment Replication in Evaluation of E-Learning System’s Effectiveness”, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 14-16, 2007, ISSN: 1790-5117, pp.166-171.

Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2007). “EVEDIN: A System for Automatic Evaluation of Educational Influence”, in International Journal WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 6, Issue 1, January 2007, ISSN: 1109-2750, pp.95-102.


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2006). “An Approach to Automatic Evaluation of Educational Influence”, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on DISTANCE LEARNING and WEB ENGINEERING (DIWEB '06), Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, 2006, ISSN: 1790-5117, pp.20-25.


Grubišić, A., Stankov, S., Žitko, B. (2005). “Evaluating the educational influence of an e-learning system”, Proceedings of the International Conference, CEEPUS Summer School 2005, Intelligent Control Systems, 1 (2005), pp.151-156.

Stankov, S., Žitko, B., Grubišić, A. (2005). “Ontology as a Foundation for Knowledge Evaluation in Intelligent E-learning Systems”, International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning (SW-EL’05) in conjunction with 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED 2005), Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 81-84.

Stankov, S., Grubišić, A., Žitko, B., Krpan, D. (2005). „Evaluating learning and teaching process effectiveness in e-learning systems“, Školski Vjesnik - časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, 54 (2005) , 1-2; 21-31 (in Croatian)


Stankov, S., Glavinić, V., Grubišić, A. (2004). „What is our effect size: Evaluating the Educational Influence of a Web-Based Intelligent Authoring Shell?“, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2004 - INES 2004, Cluj-Napocan Romania

Stankov, S., Grubišić, A., Žitko, B. (2004) „E-Learning Paradigm and Intelligent Tutoring Systems“, Annual 2004 of The Croatian Academy of Engineering, ITH, Zagreb, pp. 21-32.


Amižić, A., Stankov, S., Rosić, M. (2002). „Model Tracing – A Diagnostic Technique in Intelligent Tutoring Systems“, CEEPUS Summer school - Modern Methods in Control Split 2002 Jointly with Fifth Symposium on Intelligent Systems, Split, Croatia (Proc. – CD ROM version Reprints of CEEPUS CZ-0103, ISBN: 953-96516-8-9).